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Tourism Calgary

Destination Brand Specialist | 2022 - present


Brand Development

  • Function as the main source of brand guidance for Tourism Calgary, providing ongoing support to staff to ensure alignment with brand standards ​across all marketing materials.
  • Led the Brand Evolution Project (more information under Project Management), ensuring a seamless transition to the new brand identity while ​maintaining consistency and coherence in all materials.

Brand Activations

  • Coordinated brand activations, such as at Folk Fest, where we introduced branded “friendship tarps” to encourage interactions, reinforcing our ​brand personality of being the “friendliest city in the world.”

Marketing Collateral & Creative Design

  • Designed and produced a variety of marketing collateral, including event posters, digital ads, backdrops, and brochures, ensuring alignment with ​Tourism Calgary’s branding and marketing goals.
  • Led the Together for Jasper initiative by designing the wordmark and producing marketing materials that were distributed widely to support wildfire ​relief efforts.
  • Developed communication tools (business cards, PowerPoint templates, and newsletters) as part of a Brand Bridge Plan, temporarily incorporating ​select elements from the civic brand “Blue Sky City” to maintain Tourism Calgary’s presence, while the official brand was being developed behind ​the scenes.

Community Engagement Initiatives

  • Collaborate with 100+ industry partners as the liaison for Tourism Calgary, managing the distribution of marketing assets, which has helped save ​over $4M in asset development costs through the Hero Asset Development Project (more under Project Management).
  • Led the User-Generated Content (UGC) Collaborations, such as the Summer Photo Contest, which resulted in over 1,000 submissions. Paid and ​promoted select small creators, with their work appearing in business publications and other outlets.

Email Marketing

  • Conducted a comprehensive audit of seven company newsletters, refining strategies to better target specific audiences and ensuring that each ​piece of communication remained on-brand and purposeful.

Project Management

Hero Asset Development Production (completed)

  • As the lead project manager for a $1.5M asset development production spanning 18 months, I coordinated the creation of 33 finished videos, 62 ​b-roll vignettes, and 528 hero images. These assets have been used extensively by both Tourism Calgary and external partners to promote ​Calgary. Here’s a breakdown of the project phases:
  • Pre-Production
    • RFP Process: Assisted in the creation and selection of the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, ensuring that all project requirements were ​clear for potential vendors.
    • Creative Briefs: Developed six creative briefs that led to the production of 13 distinct videos, each with multiple cut-downs and aspect ratios, ​resulting in 63 total video outputs. In additional to the 62 b-roll vignettes and the 500+ images.
    • Location and Model Coordination: Created and maintained a robust production spreadsheet with data on 80+ locations, 60+ models, and ​scheduling details, which was heavily relied on by a production crew of over 30 individuals. I was also responsible for coordinating ​communication with industry partners about the selected locations, securing their buy-in and input on shot lists.
    • Shot List and Visual Direction: Generated a detailed shot list, utilizing AI tools to clearly convey our creative vision to partners like Colin Way ​(photographer), Sherpas Cinema (filming company), and PARK Productions. This ensured alignment with the desired visual outcomes across all ​assets.
    • Logistics: Booked tech scouts, secured models, and acquired volunteers for the shoots, with a focus on ensuring diversity and inclusivity in ​representation. Coordinated production meetings to align all stakeholders, from wardrobe selections to location scouting and timeline ​management.
  • Production
    • On-site Coordination: During the shoot, I ensured that all staging, wardrobe, and styling were in line with our creative vision. As volunteer ​coordinator, I managed a diverse pool of talent, ensuring the proper representation of Calgary’s unique offerings and demographic diversity in ​the content.
    • Wardrobe and Styling: Worked closely with the production team to ensure wardrobe selections aligned with each location, models, and the ​needs of different videos, including leisure, business, and sport.
    • Real-Time Problem Solving: Oversaw shoot days to ensure everything ran smoothly, from technical setups to handling last-minute ​adjustments. Facilitated daily check-ins with the crew to maintain a seamless workflow.
  • Post-Production
    • Content Organization: Managed the meticulous process of reviewing, selecting, and editing over seven hours of footage to create 62 b-roll ​videos that highlighted the best scenes from filmed locations. Organized footage in Master Contact Sheet and included time stamps in each ​video description to enhance user experience for future productions.
    • Image Selection: Established a streamlined process with photographer to review and select 528 images. Ensuring alignment with the original ​briefs and project objectives. Managed multiple rounds of revisions to guarantee the final assets reflected the brand’s vision and quality.
    • Video Production: Worked with film company to finalize 13 hero videos, each requiring multiple cut-downs and aspect ratios for a total of 63 ​individual videos. Reviewed edits for diversity, storyline strength, and correct branding elements such as logos, URLs, and visual consistency ​across all business units (Leisure, Business, Sports). More information under Project Management - deep dive.
    • Legal Documentation: Ensured all necessary legal paperwork was completed and correctly stored, including production contracts, location ​permits, drone permits, and model release forms. This comprehensive documentation process ensured compliance and safeguarded the ​project.
    • Internal & External Communication: Distributed the assets to internal staff and 80+ participating partners, encouraging widespread use across ​their marketing materials.
  • Post-Launch Results - The assets from this project were widely adopted, both internally and externally, contributing to significant brand exposure ​and promotional efforts for Calgary:
    • Internal Use: The videos, b-roll, and images were integrated into Tourism Calgary’s website, newsletters, and marketing collateral. They were ​also featured in prominent broadcast spots like the Rogers Charity Classic Golf Tournament.
    • External Use:
      • YYC Airport Authority used our b-roll footage to create an award-winning video submission for best airline marketing by an airport at the ​Routes America 2024 Conference.
      • Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation leveraged the footage to produce a video revealing Calgary’s new event center.
      • Calgary Economic Development, in collaboration with the City of Calgary, used the assets for the launch of the new civic brand to the ​community.
      • Numerous hotels and tourism industry partners incorporated the images and footage into their marketing efforts, driving further ​awareness of Calgary’s tourism offerings.
  • Performance Reporting: Created a comprehensive project summary report that outlined deliverables by location, diversity, industry, and content ​format (video, b-roll, photography). This report was used in executive updates and post-mortem meetings with key stakeholders (photographers, ​production companies, film crews) to evaluate successes and identify areas for improvement in future productions.

Tourism Calgary Brand Evolution (in progress)

  • Lead Project Manager for the $600K+ Brand Evolution Project, Responsible for coordinating audits, discovery sessions, logistics, and timelines ​across departments to consolidate Tourism Calgary’s brand identity and align with strategic goals.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration & Reporting: Act as the primary liaison between Tourism Calgary and ZGM (our marketing agency), creating briefs for ​all brand touchpoints and ensuring alignment with scope, deliverables, and budget. Provide regular reports and documentation to C-suites and ​executives, enabling data-driven decisions on brand evolution strategies such as logo and business name changes.
  • Transition to Single Logo System: Played a pivotal role in making the case for transitioning from a multi-logo system (in place for nearly 60 years) ​to a single, unified logo. This decision greatly enhanced brand clarity, consistency, and market presence.
  • Comprehensive Tracking System: Developed and manage a robust Excel-based timeline that tracks each brand touchpoint, including individual ​deadlines, statuses, and deliverables. This document is crucial for the project’s success and is heavily relied upon by ZGM and stakeholders to ​monitor progress, scope, and budget.
  • Discovery Sessions & Brand Touchpoints Audit: Led in-depth discovery sessions with department managers to audit and identify 200 brand ​touchpoints. These were categorized into four main areas: Brand Guides, Tradeshow Booths, Digital, and Brochures & Informative Materials, ​allowing for more structured brand evolution planning.
  • Cross-Departmental Synergies: Ongoing audits of brand touchpoints to help identify synergies between departments, allowing for resource-​sharing and increasing efficiency. This alignment is strengthening the brand’s consistency and optimizing internal processes, ensuring all efforts ​ladder up to the overarching brand strategy.
    • Uniforms: A key focus is developing a brand-aligned, fashion-forward capsule wardrobe for staff. Currently, there is no consolidated process for ​uniforms, identifiers, or SWAG, with each department acting independently. This project is working to bring uniformity and alignment across ​departments. We are preparing to go to RFP and involve Calgary’s fashion community, further emphasizing the brand’s commitment to ​community ties.
    • Software/Programs: The audit also revealed that various platforms and external graphic designers were being independently contracted by ​different departments to create marketing collateral. This project aims to reduce the number of programs and external contracts, streamlining ​processes and finding efficiencies across departments by leveraging shared resources.
  • Ongoing Research & Brand Playbook Development: Continuously conduct research on industry best practices to inform the development of the ​Brand Playbook, ensuring it meets the needs of Tourism Calgary’s three business units—Leisure, Meetings & Conventions, and Sports—and ​resonates with the organization’s three key audiences: Leisure, Industry, and B2B. We are now transitioning to an interactive landing page to make ​the brand easy to use, update, and share with internal staff and industry partners.

Business Development

Empowering Staff

  • Spearheaded the adoption of Canva by submitting all the paperwork to secure Canva Enterprise for free, leveraging our not-for-profit status. I set ​up the brand kit with all necessary brand elements and conducted comprehensive staff training, ensuring teams could streamline their workflows ​and create routine marketing collateral in-house, significantly reducing costs. I continue to oversee the material produced to ensure it is brand ​aligned and remain available to provide design guidance as needed.
  • Established CrowdRiff (our Digital Asset Management (DAM) system) as the single source of truth for finding licensed and brand-aligned images ​and videos. Assets are organized in a strategic folder organization system to meet the team's needs, making it easy to find assets by browsing ​categories or using keywords. Additionally, a streamlined process was created to acquire new images and videos, ensuring correct license ​agreements are in place and assets are efficiently uploaded into our DAM.
  • Developed a clear protocol for license agreements by creating a tiered system to guide staff in selecting the appropriate license when acquiring ​new assets. This ensures that internal staff know which licenses to use, while industry partners and content creators are fully informed about the ​rights being requested for marketing purposes. The system includes fillable PDFs for license agreements and model release forms, along with a ​process for acquiring user-generated content (UGC) correctly. Comprehensive training was provided to equip staff with the tools needed to ​request proper documentation and maintain compliance. More information under Business Development - deep drive.

Process Improvement

  • Leveraged coding skills in Visual Studio and Microsoft VBA to automate repetitive tasks like extracting metadata from CrowdRiff, filling in PDFs ​from email body, and streamlining spreadsheet workflows.

Ongoing Training & Relationship Management

  • Provide continuous training and build strong relationships with staff to help them transition into new processes. With some employees having ​been with the company for over 35 years, I respect the value of what has worked over time and seek to thoughtfully integrate these practices ​with new processes. This approach not only supports staff but also strengthens our efforts in achieving the company’s objectives.

Photography & Video

Asset Management

  • Oversee the entire asset inventory, ensuring that all assets produced and used are aligned with the brand’s identity and standards.
  • CrowdRiff Management: Established CrowdRiff as the centralized system for licensed, brand-aligned assets, organized for easy access by category ​or keyword, with streamlined processes for licensing and asset uploads.
  • Asset Performance Analysis: Generate visually informative reports from raw CSV data, analyzing the performance of over 2,000 assets stored in ​CrowdRiff. These reports are used to study asset performance enforce gap analysis report, helping to identify which assets are performing well ​and informing future production needs.
  • Gap Analysis Report: Organize the metadata of existing assets in AirTable to provide a clear layout of the asset inventory and help identify gaps to ​guide future production needs.
  • Asset Development Production: Play a pivotal role in organizing all logistics for asset development, including preparing briefs, securing license ​agreements, creating shot lists, and coordinating models, wardrobe, and tech scouts.
  • Training & Guidance: Provide ongoing training and guidance to staff, equipping them with the right tools to align with brand standards and use the ​asset management system effectively.

Audit & Clean-Up:

  • Led a comprehensive 12-month audit of images and videos stored across various locations to identify brand-aligned, up-to-date assets with proper ​licensing. Centralized all assets into one location, implementing a folder organization structure that mirrors the one used in CrowdRiff.
  • All assets now follow a consistent naming convention to ensure easy identification of location, photographer, and year.
  • Centralized organization system not only for images and videos but also for their corresponding license agreements and model release forms. All ​documentation is now consistently organized and easily accessible.

Certification, Competencies, & Skills


  • Software: SimpleView | MailChimp | Constant Contact | Canva | CrowdRiff
  • brand development | brand management | graphic design | community engagement | email marketing | UGC management | newsletter audits | ​content creation | brand activations | cross-departmental alignment | communication tools | marketing collateral design | strategic planning | ​audience targeting | campaign management | marketing campaigns | market research | partnership marketing | storytelling

Project Management

  • Software: AirTable | Asana | Excel | Canva | Dall-E
  • project coordination | asset development | budget management | timeline management | RFP process management | stakeholder collaboration | ​creative briefs | logistics coordination | vendor management | production manager | creative director | problem-solving | post-production ​management | reporting & analysis | performance reporting | cross-departmental audits | process optimization | market research | budget ​forecasting | storytelling

Business Development

  • Software: Microsoft VBA | AI | ChatGPT | Visual Studio | HTML | CSS | CrowdRiff
  • process improvement | staff empowerment | protocol development | digital asset management | resource allocation | staff training | relationship ​management | workflow automation | system implementation | data analysis | external partner collaboration | compliance management | costumer ​journey mapping

Photography, Video, & Content Creation

  • Software: Photoshop | Illustrator | InDesign | Adobe Creative Cloud | Canva | CrowdRiff
  • asset management | asset development production | creative direction | licensing agreements | metadata analysis | gap analysis | content ​performance analysis | digital asset organization | photography shoot logistics | video production | team training | content development | data-​driven reporting | asset organization | ROI analysis
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Lynx Air

Marketing & Social Media Coordinator | 2022


Go-to Market Strategy

  • Lead project manager responsible for analyzing the competitive landscape, consumer insights, cost to production, ultimate time to launch, and ​establishing KPIs and processes to track performance of email campaigns.

Product Development

  • Airline Launch - collaborated with c-suites, various departments, and marketing agency to make sure all logistics and marketing material was ​prepared for major events such as the blessing of the aircraft, airline public launch, and numerous flight inaugurations.
  • Meal Vouchers - collaborated with five domestic airports across Canada to establish a meal discount for Lynx passengers to enhance their travel ​experience.
  • Pets In-Cabin - worked closely with c-suites, and various departments to ensure compliance of logistics. In the interim, I also managed the ​creation of the required marketing collateral with the marketing agency.

Social Media Strategy

  • Come up with content calendar to align with marketing objectives, company updates, weekly promotions

Email Marketing

  • Email Campaign Strategy - managed content calendar to ensure newsletters and social media channels aligned with promotions, flight ​inaugurations, new product offerings, and company announcements. o the right audience segment.
  • Oversaw creator of newsletters by marketing agency to assure accuracy with content calendar, company objectives, and correct audience ​targeting. Translate in French. Coordinate with COO and Director of Marketing
  • Analyzed the performance of newsletters to hep inform the logistics of future campaigns.
  • Reminder emails - cancelation, flight disruptions, flight reminder, flight confirmation

Certification, competencies, & skills


  • Software: MailChimp, Google Analytics, Instagram, Facebook, Publer, HTML, CSS, Excel
  • Business analysis | content creator | email campaigns | drip campaigns | laws & regulations | automation | communication | business strategy | ​communication | teamwork | collaboration | training | processes | innovation | leadership
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POD Marketing

Paid Search Marketing Scientist & Email Marketing Specialist | 2020-2022


Paid Search Advertising

  • Collaborated with sales executives to identify prospecting clients where paid search would add value in reaching their business objectives. ​Conducted onboarding consultations with clients to establish expectations, timelines, and performance check-points. Created, maintained, and ​optimized paid search campaigns, set up Google analytics to their website, and paid ads to their social channels.
  • 91 clients
  • Created campaigns and performed monthly optimizations using Google Ads, Display, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube campaigns for 91 clients.
  • Implemented website tracking using Google Analytics (UA) and Google Tag Manager (GTM) to 60 clients.
  • Created and managed dashboards using Google Data Studio to compile metrics from UA, Google Ads, Display, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and ​SEO.
  • Constructed workflows to automate repetitive tasks utilizing programs like Zappier and ActiveDEMAND.

Go-to Market Strategy

  • Lead project manager responsible for establishing the price, tier system, value preposition, and identifying the role it played in the marketing ​funnel. In addition, I also created the marketing collateral, sales sheets, video webinar, onboarding documents, and KPI tracker dashboards.
  • Lead project manager responsible for establishing the price, tier system, value preposition, and identifying the role email marketing played in the ​consumer journey.
  • Created marketing collateral, sales sheets, video webinar, and onboarding documents

Email Marketing

  • Onboarded clients and established strategies for email campaigns, including automatic drip campaigns
  • Managed up to 40 clients
  • Audited client’s audience lists to adhere with CAN-SPAM and CASL regulations.
  • Created copy, design, and graphics of newsletters.
  • Analyzed email performance by setting proper tracking with Google Analytics to define audience segmentations and optimize headlines, copy, ​imagery, and sent times.
  • Created strategies for 40 clients to boost their presence with their current database.
  • Designed visually appealing emails with informative content using Photoshop.
  • Administered the clean-up and maintenance of the database to be compliant with CASL and CAN-SPAM.
  • Uploaded emails to the client’s Email Service Provider (ESP) and perform A/B testing to optimize performance.
  • Assured that the email was responsive and formatted to look exactly like the Photoshop file by altering the HTML code when required.
  • Tracked the performance of emails by analyzing the metrics from the ESP and Google Analytics. Created strategies based on findings.
  • Championed the creation of the email marketing product by creating and updating internal process documents.
  • Hosted a “Best Practices for Email Marketing” webinar for business owners and industry leaders.

Business Development

Marketing Science Tracker Refresher

  • Acquiring UGC correctly - process Took on side project to recreate the outdated account tracker. Robust excel sheet to demonstrate the status of ​500 accounts and show by staff and industry (vertical)
  • Training to staff and staggered adoption from old processes to achieve smooth transition

Certification, competencies, & skills

Paid Search Advertising

  • Software: Google Ads, Display, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube campaigns, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Looker Studio
  • SEO | digital advertising | paid search | analytics | agency | client facing | account management

Email Marketing

  • Software: MailChimp, Constant Contact, SolutionReach, ActiveDEMAND, Google Analytics, Photoshop
  • Business analysis | content creator | graphic design | automation | email campaigns | drip campaigns | laws & regulations

Business Development

  • Software: Microsoft VBA, Excel
  • Business strategy | communication | teamwork | collaboration | training | processes | automation | innovation | leadership
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SABE Marketing

Founder & CEO | 2020 - present


Brand Development

  • Conducted discovery meetings with the business owner to identify brand identity, business goals, and mission. Created marketing strategies, ​brand playbooks, marketing campaigns, websites, social media strategies, and paid search campaigns for the following businesses:
  • Maria Miranda professional portfolio
  • Carry-on Fashion
  • Tropical Latin Street Food - marketing strategy. Opening of new brand. Birth marketing campaign
  • Snap Maria Miranda

Content Creation

  • Tropical Latin Street Food

Social Media Strategy

  • Tropical Latin Street food

Business Development

Asset Management

  • Tropical Latin Street Food

Certification, competencies, & skills


  • Software: Meta Studio | Publer | Canva |
  • Business analysis | content creator | graphic design | automation | paid search | brand development | business consult | marketing strategies

Business Development

  • Software: Microsoft VBA, OpenAi, ChatGPT,
  • Business strategy | communication | teamwork | collaboration | training | processes | automation | innovation | leadership

Project Management

  • Software: AirTable, Excel
  • Business strategy | time management | communication | scheduling | collaboration | independent

Photography, video, and content creation

  • Software: Photoshop | Illustrator | InDesign | Canva
  • Photography | videography | creative director | graphic design
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Crew Scheduler | 2020

Travel & Tourism

Operations Control Centre (OCC)

  • Scheduled, coordinated and tracked crew members’ schedule in live time to comply with minimum staffing requirements using Merlot and Sabre.
  • Provided immediate assistance to cabin crew members when they contacted our department to amend their schedule.
  • Collaborated with team members to find staffing solutions to difficult, last-minute flight changes.
  • First in training class
  • Worked through COVID madness week

Certification, competencies, & skills


  • Software: SABRE, Merlot, Apollo, iLogistics
  • laws & regulations | work under pressure | costumer service | scheduling | coordination
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Suncor Energy

Travel Coordinator | 2019

Travel & Tourism

Travel Coordination

  • Discovered how to search reservations by badge. This resulted in a team-wide increase in efficiency and decrease in errors.
  • Assign and approve lodging for ~300 employees daily. Base decision on Loading Plans and Availability Reports.
  • Maintain daily communication with 10+ lodges to maintain accuracy of reports.
  • Provide excellent customer service to employees either calling or emailing with regards to their travel arrangements.
  • Utilize problem solving skills to find solutions to urgent matters.
  • Follow company’s procedures and guidelines to maintain consistency as we work from the same mailbox.

Certification, competencies, & skills

Travel Coordination

  • Software: SABRE
  • work under pressure | costumer service | scheduling | coordination
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Flight Centre Travel Group

International Travel Consultant | 2016, 2017-2019

Travel & Tourism

International Travel Booking

  • Brand activations at Events - Folk Fest
  • Booked flights and accommodation utilizing Apollo and Sabre at Flight Centre
  • Utilized customer service skills to build relationships and provide quality work.
  • Collaborate with internal departments to ensure the achievement of goals.
  • Acted quickly to unexpected changes such as flight delays and/or cancelations.
  • Researched destinations thoroughly to provide accurate information to clients. Including visa and vaccine requirements.

Certification, competencies, & skills

International Travel Booking

  • Software: SABRE, Apollo
  • work under pressure | costumer service | scheduling | coordination
Plane Icon

Women in Need Society (WINS)

Marketing Coordinator | 2017


Brand Development

  • Process documents
  • Collated data from various departments to create annual report.
  • Utilized storytelling and communication skills to clearly explain WINS’ direction to stakeholders and the general public.
  • Used sound judgement in decision making for marketing material and implementation.
  • Initiated the creation of content strategies for social media platforms.
  • Collated data from all departments to create annual report.
  • Initiated the creation of the annual marketing budget to be in line with the marketing strategy.
  • Implemented content strategy for social media platforms. This included content calendars and background research to support timeline.
  • Created and implemented weekly sales promotions increasing awareness among the Calgary public and consistency throughout three retail stores.
  • Designed infographics to clearly explain WINS’ direction to stakeholders.

Content Creation

  • Graphic designers

Email Marketing

  • I must’ve sent an email or something. I think it was MailChimp

Certification, competencies, & skills


  • Software: MailChimp
  • Business analysis | content creator | graphic design | automation | email campaigns | drip campaigns | laws & regulations | not-for-profit

Photography, video, and content creation

  • Software: Photoshop | Illustrator | InDesign | Canva
  • Photography | videography | creative director | graphic design
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Boshitang Shane English School - Shijiazhuang, CHINA

English Teacher | 2016-2017



  • Responsible for creating lesson plans appropriate for each age groups.
  • Manage classroom size as large as 30 children.
  • Teach students the English language in creative forms. i.e. singing, dancing, games and fun brain activities.
  • Teach the English language to children ranging from 3-12 years old
  • Manage groups of 3-50 children per class
  • Create detailed and effective lesson plans for each lesson

Certification, competencies, & skills


  • Certificate: Teach English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
  • Teaching | leadership | communication | lesson plans
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let’s work together


+1 (587) 500-1493

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In Logo Blue Vector